Sunday, August 5, 2012

Garden Update - August 5

The plants are growing fine.  But, as you'll see, the Kong Sunflower continues to have trouble.

The Picklebush cucumbers and the herbs - Sweet Basil and the Triple Curled Parsley.  All growing very nicely.  I just watered before I took the shots so the parsley is a bit bent over, but it is all growing nice and strongly.  About time to use fresh in cooking or to dry them for use this winter.

The slow bolt Cilantro.  Again, bent a smudge from the watering, but looking great.

Catnip, growing like crazy.

The Kong Sunflower, as it looked when I took the picture a couple days or so ago.

The Kong Sunflower as it looks now.  Something is taking regular bites at this plant.  Leaves still get sections chomped off, and now this in the stem.  I will just let the plant try to figure it out for itself, maybe it can repair the damage.  But I just have no clue as to what is harming this plant.  None of the others are being bothered.  Weird.

Lastly, a shot of the pansies.  They are fading now, and looking worn, but still there is some life and color.

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